Jesse Ragan celebrating the holidays with Elizabeth Carey Smith Abby Goldstein, Poster House curator Angelina Lippert, and Charles Nix TDC Medalist Ed Benguiat and TDC President Paul Carlos Celebrating with TDC chairman Doug Clouse and John Kudos Poster House curator Angelina Lippert explaining the works in “Baptized by Beefcake: The Golden Age of Hand-Painted Movie Posters from Ghana” Celebrating the end of the gallery tour of “20/20 Insight: Posters from the 2017 Women’s March” with curator Melissa Walker After the tour -- Erica Carras, Tara Stewart, Anna Andreeva, and Lexi Earle Success in the silent auction! Jacob Ford goes home with the series of type posters signed by TDC Medalist Fiona Ross and Vaibhav Singh TDC members and guests celebrate at Poster House with prosecco, tours of exhibitions by curators Angelina Lippert and Melissa Walker, and a silent auction Location Poster House New York, NY Flickr Album