It’s fontastic & boldacious & x-heighting!
It’s TypeThursdayNYC!
TypeThursdayNYC is a monthly gathering of type geeks, held at Type Directors Club. We like to think of ourselves as a type superfamily: we attract local letterform lovers hailing from all disciplines and levels of expertise. Social hours bookend the centerpiece of our event, a group critique we refer to as Type Crit.
What the font is Type Crit?
Briefly: It’s a critique. Of letterforms. No grades. Plenty of wine.
Verbosely: Type Crit is a group critique of up to four, in-progress projects involving letterform design and/or usage. You can get, give, or simply listen to feedback—your pick! Discussion is moderated by a TypeThursdayNYC dialogue lead—we pride ourselves on fostering a friendly forum for constructive, thoughtful advice that’ll raise the baseline on your letterform game.
QUICK LINK: Sign up to present work for feedback at Type Crit here.
What’s the program for the evening?
6:00pm – 6:45pm: Check in & Socializing
6:50pm: Opening Statements | Introduction
7:00pm – 8:00pm: Type Critiques
8:00pm: Closing Comments | Outro
8:10pm – 8:45pm: Socializing & End of Event
Who should go?
Anyone who loves letterforms. We always welcome a new (type)face.
Do I have to present?
Not at all! Some people come to network, some to learn and observe, and some to help give feedback. Your level of participation is up to you.
Why should I consider presenting at Type Crit?
You’ll get free, friendly, fast feedback from fellow font fanatics
Type Crit presenters get free admission to the event
We shower presenters with love on our Twitter and Instagram pages.
Instagram: @typethursdaynyc
Twitter: @typethursdaynyc
What kinds of work can I show at Type Crit?
We accept any work involving the use or design of letterforms. Examples:
Logotype designs
Hand lettering
Typeface designs
Print layouts that involve typesetting
UI designs that need hierarchical sharpening
… or make up a new genre of type-related work and blow our minds!
How do I submit work to Type Crit?
Upload files using TypeThursdayNYC’s handy online form.
We’ll display your work using a projector hooked up to a laptop.
I have more questions!
Email our organizer, Whitney Dobladillo: whitney.dobladillo@typethursday.org
Partners & Sponsors
TypeThursdayNYC is made possible by our generous sponsors
National Sponsor: Adobe Fonts
Event Host Partner: TDC | The Type Directors Club