Audience: Women in Junior Year of Undergraduate Program

Award: $5,000

The scholarship application period has ended. Recipients to be announced soon.

The TDC’s first female member, Beatrice Warde (1900-1969), was a journalist, typographical scholar and communicator on typography, and passionate advocate of education.

Named in her honor and sponsored by Monotype, the scholarship recognizes one woman college junior (in the junior year of their undergraduate degree), whose work demonstrates exceptional talent, sophistication, and aptitude for typography, lettering, type design, and/or design criticism.

The scholarship, valued at $5,000 USD, will be applied to the recipient’s final year tuition, beginning in September 2024. In addition to the financial awards, the scholarship winner will receive a one-year TDC membership and The World’s Best Typography®, Typography 45.

Deadline: June 3rd