2018 Winner
Typeface Design



Category—Typeface Design

2018 Winner
Typeface Design



Ramiro Espinoza, The Hague

Additional Credits

FOUNDRY: Retype Foundry

WEBSITE: re-type.com

TWITTER: @retypefoundry


Guyot is a type family inspired by the work of the punchcutter François Guyot, who lived and worked in Antwerp during the sixteenth century. Researching French and Flemish punchcutters, Espinoza soon realized that the work of the most important masters of the period had already been digitized. However, he found the work of lesser-known punchcutters like Guyot, though perhaps not of the same superior quality as the others, equally compelling. Espinoza decided early on that his Guyot was not going to be a facsimile typeface, but rather a modern interpretation aimed at the editorial market.