2018 Winner
Typeface Design
Category—Typeface Design
2018 Winner
Typeface Design
Kostas Bartsokas, Hamburg
Additional Credits
WEBSITE: https://kostasbartsokas.com/oi-you-mate/
TWITTER: @kostasbartsokas
Oi! is an ultra-fat display typeface that has its roots in grotesque slab serifs, most specifically the style that sprang up with the release of Caslon’s Ionic in 1844 and Clarendon by Fann Street Foundry in 1845. It is a free-spirited twisted interpretation of the Clarendonesques. With an unapologetic tendency for public shouting, it is a whimsical, loudmouth attention-seeker. Oi! supports Latin and Greek and comes in two styles: Oi! You!, the regular style, and its accompanying Oi! Mate!, a shadowed style that adds a third dimension to its playfulness.